
The Rebrand: Create | Hu$tle | Thrive

This past year was a wild, wild ride. I learned so much about myself, my triggers, my limits, life in general. To test how truly resilient I am, I hit my breaking point - my personal rock bottom - last year, yet here I stand, on the other side of everything that was sent to destroy me. Thankful. Now, I’m just focusing on creating a beautiful life for myself, hustling using the talents and gifts God blessed me with, and thriving in my divine feminine more and more each day. Like Issa Rae said: “It’s feeling like me season right now” and it does, 100%. 

In 2009, I discovered blogging and was then introduced to a healthy outlet to express my thoughts, my perspectives. It’s a shame that I’ve gone so long without doing the thing I’m the most passionate about, which is writing. There’s been a creative blockage that has seemed to last ages at this point. Although I am a bit rusty, because it’s been a while, my word of the year is consistency, so I’m adding this blog to the list of things to do, consistently.  

The resurrection and relaunch of #TheSkyBoxSuite, a brand and online publication dedicated to Sports and Music, is in the works as well. Technology, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship are the 3 categories I’ve decided to add to the mix, so I’m super excited about getting that up and running again. 

In addition to all of that, I’m also working on my debut novel, which hasn’t seen the light of day in several months. Hopefully, I’ll be done with the first draft by the 2nd quarter and ready to publish by the end of Q3. So it’s a lot of writing going on over here and I’m feeling confident about diving head first back into everything. 

What’s on your radar for 2022? What are your intentions for the new year? How are you staying creative? I’d love to hear from you and continue building a community of supporters.


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