

*** Alexa, play 'You Got It' x Vedo ***

Years ago, I wrote a blog post that  entitled BO$$ Up + Prosper, which I referenced on the most recent Healing Diaries entry (bad gyal, soft life) as well. In that, I took notice of the position God was placing me in after being in a dark place mentally and how I was beginning to understand my worth. Though the thoughts I expressed back then are still valid, I'm amazed to see how my definition has evolved. 

At this point in my life has more to do with rising into my full potential and less about bouncing back from a situation that didn't serve me. The reality is similar, as I am still struggling in my love life, but my mindset when it comes to the whole concept of "bossing up" is in a different space. This time around, I'm focused on getting to the bag by carving a lane for myself and not just riding the wave of what others expect of me or how they define success. Now that I've defined the why behind wanting to be successful, I'm paying closer attention to what needs to be done in order to get there. Essentially, the goal is to not only rise to my full potential, but to activate the version of me that I needed when I was younger. 

With that being said, it is my pleasure to introduce the very first installment of the BO$$ BAE BLUEPRINT, a series designed to provide strategies that empower women to become the best version of themselves as I'm working on becoming the best version of myself. We in this together, sis! 

If you're not yet in a place where you have the confidence of to be the Supreme Queen of your own life, the #BossBaeBlueprint is for you. Like Vedo said, "...it's time to boss up...", so today I'm going to talk about how to do exactly that. 

Congratulations! You are now enrolled in 

Hu$tle-nomics 101: How to BO$$ Up

(recommended) Pay attention and take notes . Class is now officially in session.

1. Establish a plan of action

Have a clear understanding of what your goals are and the necessary steps to achieving them, then write it all down (Habakkuk 2:2)There is so much POWER in actually taking the time to create a plan and write out a goal map that will help guide you to where you desire to be. Whether it's to pursue a master's degree, start a business, or be a better stay at home mom, it's vital to have clarity of vision. 
  • What does success mean to you?
  • What do you want your life to look like and what would you like to accomplish in the next 3...5...10 years? 
  • What impact do you want to make in the world and the lives around you? 
  • What kind of legacy do you want to build? 
Add the How and Why to those questions as it applies, and you've created a road map that will get you where you need to go. 

2. Get out yo feelings!!! 

Learning how to master your emotions is key, because sis, we have shit to do!! I'm still learning this myself and something I'm constantly having to check myself on. Believe me I get it - I'm a Cancer - and I know how all-consuming emotions can be, but more often times than not, especially as women, we give our feelings wayyyy too much energy, power, and attention. Although your feelings are valid, they are not facts. Also, why do we allow such temporary things to get the best of us? Stop allowing feelings to prevent us from getting to the bag (period).

3. Remove toxic energy from your life

Sometimes we hold on so tightly to things whether that be people, negative self-talk, or bad habits we've developed over the years. Even when we know it's not good for us, we'll still travel down the list of excuses on why we can't let it go. Listen babygirl, I know it's not easy, but anything that compromises our peace, sanity, and/or sense of self is not worth holding onto. Let. That. Shit. Go. 
4. Get your finances in order

This part is where our masculine or yang energy comes into play. Knowing how and when to tap into masculinity is a superpower that no one likes to talk about, because we're conditioned to believe that we can only be one or the other, when in reality, both are important. Masculine energy is all about assertion, productivity, logic, cause and effect, and so forth. Even if you are afforded a life of luxury on account of someone else taking care of you financially, I stand 100% behind the belief system that a woman should always have her own and I will die on that hill. 


5. Make feminine maintenance a regular part of your self care and take pride in your physical appearance.

This goes for bosses and soft girls alike. We all recognize the saying: if you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you're able to show up as your best self. As a result, the output of what you put out into the universe reflects in how you experience the world as you begin to be a magnet to things, opportunities, and people who reflect your best self. Even if you're not a make-up everyday, hair done biweekly kinda gyal, carry yourself in such a way that says: yes, I'm a woman who deserves all the good the world has to offer because I'm good to myself!


6. Prioritize overall wellness 

Taking care of self is inclusive of all aspects of self, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This is also a reason why keeping your emotions in check is so important because working on yourself is something you must do, especially on days where you don't feel like it. We all have those days, but in order to stay on track, we have to constantly be aware of the ever-changing needs of our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Not only is going to the gym or taking a long walk on a regular basis good for weight loss and muscle building, it promotes good health as well. Over time, it helps with stamina, so that you have more energy to do other things. The same goes for the maintenance of mind and spirit. It's important to keep our minds sharp to run that business, write that book, or be able to hold a decent conversation. More than anything, there's so much value in being grounded spiritually. 

The point is to make self-care an all around thing, not just one specific area over the other. 


7. Stay committed to the vision you have for your life

Now that you have gotten clear about the life you want, lock in with yourself. Show up for yourself the same way you'd want a romantic partner to show up for you. Be an active participant in designing your destiny by doing at least 3 things every day that will essentially become the building blocks of the life you are creating and eventually lead to you getting a chance to experience this beautiful life you've been able to manifest. 

8. Get to work!!!

There's a difference between commitment an effort, even though they go hand in hand. The amount of effort that goes into something is a direct reflection of the level of commitment a person has to their dreams. No one said it would be easy. In fact, it's easier to just watch life unfold from the sidelines and accept the cards that are dealt to you. In order to live out and be the star player in this amazing life, to finally see the vision in full bloom, you have to get your head in the game and put in the work. You just have to. It's less about motivation and more about decisiveness, then consistently deciding to do what it takes to be where you ultimately want to be. 


That's the conclusion of today's lesson, ladies. The more WE implement and practice these steps, the more we'll start to see our dream life unfold right before our eyes. What makes this class unique is that I'm on the journey with you; I'm simply teaching you what I'm learning along the way. 

If you read through the material, let me know via Instagram or in the comment section what you think about the #BossBaeBlueprint course so far, questions you may have, and suggestions that would it better. 

This week's homework assignment: 

Create an outline of your goals. I would suggest starting with the things you want to achieve in the next 2 months of the year. I would suggest starting with the 3 most prominent ones and structure it like this:
  1. Goal # 1
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
  2. Goal # 2
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
  3. Goal #3
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
    • progressive step
    • progressive step

Thank you so much for being a valuable student of HU$TLE-nomics 101, presented by, yours truly, Professor CA. ♡

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