
20|22 Vision

The vision + the mood for 2022 is going to be wildly different. I’ve slept on myself, my ideas, my talents, my dreams for way too long. I can’t allow another year to just pass on by without going after everything I want and fully trusting that God will fill in the gaps with what I need. I’m focused on what’s ahead, not looking back, because I believe that what’s in store for me - on the other side of fear and doubt - is far greater than what lies behind me. 

This will be a peaceful and drama-free year, because I am absolutely exhausted by all the stress, rage, emotions, etc. that come with drama. I won’t have time for any of that. Staying focused on getting back to a place where I’m hella focused and too busy to entertain anything that doesn’t align with the life I’m aiming to build for myself. It’s game time and I’m in it to win it! 
This year, I intend to:
💫…be the happiest and most fulfilled I’ve ever been happy🙂🙏🏽
💫…have a thriving and successful business and career in A LANE I CREATED FOR MY DAMN SELF. 👩🏽‍💻
💫…be at peace. 🧘🏽‍♀️✌🏽☮️ 
💫…have one of my dream cars by the end of the year
💫…love in a beautiful oasis of a home in the city I love 
💫…be surrounded by a group of genuine, driven, positive, loyal, kind, loving, and supportive individuals who make up my thrive tribe ♥️
💫…have the funds + flexibility to …travel often with the people I love
💫… My partner and I are in a healthy committed relationship grounded in God, love, trust, and mutual respect. 
💫…have a life full of luxury and 
💫…attract unique, high paying clients every month, consistently. 
💫…stick to a workout regimen ((“May the abs continue getting flatter and the booty + (pockets) continue getting bigger”)) 
💫…be the best human I can be and fully tap into my potential

“What I’ve learned is to always keep going…because, eventually, that storm passes…” — Kobe Bryant | RIP 💜💛

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